Best diet pills 2012 april

Diposting oleh blogger slimming on Rabu, 18 April 2012

Personal News Magazine - In many homes, the kitchen is the "heart of the home." In Feng Shui the kitchen symbolizes nourishment and wealth. After all, it's no coincidence that slang words for money include "bread" or "dough" and "to put food on the table" means to earn money. Reflecting the love and energy that are poured into process of making food, the kitchen also symbolizes nourishment. A disorderly kitchen is a clear sign that your finances are in disarray, and if you're trying to stay slim, beware a kitchen that's too "visible."

Here are some Feng Shui and Vaastu suggestions for creating a kitchen that's healthy, wealthy and wise:

1. Do you find cooking a burden? Do you struggle to keep off excess pounds? Here's what to do: go outside, open your front door and look into your home. If you have a clear view into the kitchen, negative energies have a clear shot at accumulating there. To deflect these energies, place something between the front door and kitchen that is a focal point - like a large vase of flowers on a table - to draw attention before the eyes go to the kitchen. You could also cover up the kitchen with a pocket door, an attractive stained glass door, or a fabric curtain.

2. The ideal location for a kitchen is in the east or southeast of your home. The worst locations are in the west or northwest where the energies have the potential to cause health problems and ongoing confrontations for the primary breadwinner. If your kitchen is located in the west or northwest area of your home, try to have your stove located in the east or southeast sector of your kitchen.

3. The stove is the most important element in a kitchen. While "triangle" patterns are popular in kitchen design, the stove is a Feng Shui fire element that should never be placed right next to the sink or the refrigerator which are both water elements. Water puts out fire which could adversely affect your finances. So, allow at least three feet between the stove and the sink and fridge. If they are side by side, place a small green plant between the two to help hold the energy of your stove (and finances). If you have an island stove that is directly across from your sink, this arrangement can cause arguments and disputes as water and fire energy clash. A green rug will emit wood energy and so placing a green rug on the floor between the sink and the stove will help to diffuse the clashing energy.

4. Always keep your stove clean and the burners working properly. Plus, don't just use one burner - use all your burners equally to attract a flow of money from many different sources.

5. If your kitchen is small or dark, light it up! Use lamps or hang lighting that diffuses more light upwards. Consider adding lighting inside glass cabinets to illuminate your china and crystal. Placing large mirrors can also help brighten the kitchen and open up a small, dark space. Also use lighter colors as well to make your kitchen appear even brighter.

6. Keep your kitchen organized and clutter free! It is more fun and enjoyable to cook in a tidy kitchen. You will be able to find whatever ingredients you need. Whatever you are thinking and feeling when you cook produces energies that will enter the food. If you're feeling cramped, frustrated or chaotic, the food will absorb this energy. Being mindful, calm and peaceful when cooking can help to raise the vibrations in the food which in turn helps to nourish us.

7. Keep your refrigerator clean -inside and out. You want everything about your refrigerator to symbolize health, nourishment, and well-being. That's why it's vital to keep everything about your fridge fresh. So start by clearing the overwhelming and stagnant energy that can be created by having the outside of your fridge papered with flyers, invitations and photos. Be brutal and remove the excess - think of every paper as "static," As you remove it, the energy becomes clearer and calmer. It's also vital to keep the inside of your refrigerator fresh and vibrant. Be vigilant in throwing out spoiled foods, wiping down shelves, and organizing what's left. When you open the door to your fridge, you want to literally feel the harmonious energy emanate out to keep you and your family healthy and prosperous.

Now that you know these seven secrets to better kitchen Feng Shui, don't wait - put them into action now to improve health, harmony and your finances throughout 2011.

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More aboutBest diet pills 2012 april

5 Factor Diet Review

Diposting oleh blogger slimming on Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

The 5 Factor diet definitely knows how to leverage the general populous’ addiction to anything “celebrity”. At every turn in their marketing they’re mentioning how this celebrity or that one just couldn’t have made it without the 5 Factor diet. That’s right. The 5 Factor diet is the only diet that will ever work (note the sarcasm).

How does the 5 Factor Diet Work?

Basically you have a 5 week plan, with 5 meals a day. Each meal has 5 ingredients. Each workout is 25 minutes long (yeah, we were hoping for a 5 minute workout there as well, but alas…) and you get 5 cheat days in those 5 weeks (they couldn’t say one cheat day per week, because, although it would’ve been easier, they wouldn’t have been able to say ‘five’ for the fifth time and their catchy game would have ended at four). Oh, I forgot to mention that each meal only takes 5 minutes to prepare.

5 Factor is Online

One nice thing about the 5 Factor is that it’s online (you’ll have to pay, but still) and studies have shown that the interaction when trying to lose weight is a big contributor to overall success (think Weight Watchers classes).

What’s the Catch with 5 Factor?

No catch. Oh wait. Except for the fact that it’s $5 per week (there’s that 5 again, how cute!). That just seems extremely pricey. You can gather all of the information you need to follow their plan, and find a weight loss forum to help with the community effect – for free.

The 5 Factor Diet Conclusion

The 5 Factor diet will certainly help you lose weight. We just think it’s too pricey and a bit too much on the celebrity merry-go-round to really give it any more credibility than any other sensible diet plan out there. We’ve found proper diet, exercise, and an effective dietary supplement can go a long way in helping you achieve your weight loss goals.
More about5 Factor Diet Review

7 Day Detox Review

Diposting oleh blogger slimming

7 Day Detox contains a variety of ingredients that are meant to detoxify ones body. 7 Day Detox contains 35 different ingredients. All of the ingredients have been said to help detoxify the body in the food form. The ingredients found in 7 Day Detox are extracts from each of these foods. It also contains a couple of themogenic ingredients to help increase metabolism. Along with detoxing the body and increasing metabolism the supplement will also help reduce water weight.

This is what the makers of 7 Day Detox state “It is designed with the ultimate potency to both detoxify and sculpt your body. With its unique combination of vitamins, minerals, aminos, fatty acids and other key sculpting components”. I find 7 Day Detox to be intriguing and feel that it would be a good product to take before a cruise to help lose some quick extra pounds. I also have found mostly positive reviews about this product claiming fast weight loss. The ingredients are all ingredients that I would find to be

healthy to the body and contain a large amount of anti-oxidants.

Main Points

Positive reviews
Fast weight loss capabilities
Healthy ingredients that contain a large number of anti-oxidants
I would recommend this product to someone who is looking to lose fast weight before a trip. This product also contains great extracts that are excellent for the body. The formula and price are pretty good for this product.
More about7 Day Detox Review

Review 7-DDP

Diposting oleh blogger slimming

Maybe the thought has crossed your mind, is there a diet pill that is actually powerful enough to help you to lose weight at all or is all of this you have to diet and exercise just another excuse for ineffective formulas? Is the market just trying to scam us? We can tell you one thing, there are a lot of scams, but not because effective diet pills don’t exist. Sometimes, you just need to change your line of thinking.

Most of us go for fat burners and that’s it. We get this idea in our heads that fat burners are the only way, but 7-DDP tells us something different. Yes, 7-DDP has a whole fat burning blend to satisfy the traditional dieter. However, 7-DDP combines this particular approach with natural cleansers meant to jump start your diet, improve your health, and ultimately help you to lose more weight.

More importantly, 7-DDP plants the idea in our heads that a cleanse like this is more likely to help you to keep the weight off too. Isn’t that half the battle?

Does 7-DDP Have Clinically Proven Weight Loss Ingredients?

7-DDP focuses on two different approaches, and each of the ingredients has been through weight loss related clinical studies. While dandelion and senna have been specifically studied as cleansers, which is the idea, most consumers seem to pay more attention to names such as cissus and irvingia gabonensis, both of which are proven fat burners.

These ingredients don’t get quite as much press as something like green tea, but don’t lose hope just yet. That much press isn’t necessarily a good thing.

Actually, there are more human clinical trials to back the fat burners in 7-DDP than most popular fat burners could ever dream of. Green tea would be the only exception to that rule that we know of.

Studies have shown that irvingia gabonensis, a cousin to the mango found exclusively in West Africa, can burn fat, suppress appetite, and even help you to control hormones that may be making you fat. Who knew, African mango is the only ingredient that has ever been proven to affect this particular obesity hormone.

Is 7-DDP Safe?

7-DDP uses ingredients that are completely caffeine free. Yes, ingredients like dandelion have also been used as diuretics, which means that you should make sure to drink more water. However, if you haven’t noticed, most experts suggest that you drink more water anyway. 7-DDP just gives you one more reason to do what you’re supposed to be doing anyway.

Is 7-DDP Enough?

7-DDP uses clinically proven weight loss ingredients that take two different approaches to weight loss while also improving health. If you give 7-DDP’s blend a real chance, even if you are skeptical, you may end up pleasantly surprised. We have looked over countless reviews from dieters who have actually used 7-DDP to see what people really think.

Based on this and the scientific evidence we have seen backing the ingredients in 7-DDP, it’s not a far stretch to say that this is a product worth buying. 7-DDP has clinically proven ingredients, pleased consumers, a diverse approach to weight loss, what more can you ask for?
More aboutReview 7-DDP

7-DFBX Review

Diposting oleh blogger slimming

7-DFBX contains so many great ingredients. This product has more than just fat burning ingredients it also contains awesome detoxifiers. Doing a body detox every once in awhile is great for your health. It helps to clean out your colon and liver. Making sure your liver is functioning properly is essential for weight management because your liver metabolizes your fat. Dandelion root an ingredient in 7DFB-X is a great liver detoxifier and there is 500mg in this product. I would love to go into detail about each of these ingredients but it would take ten pages so I will just tell you that this natural fat burner contains wonderful thermogenic stimulators (fat burners), appetite suppressants, blood sugar balancers, antioxidants, immune boosters, as well as a ton of fiber. The list could go on all day.

7DFB-X has so many great ingredients but its still too soon to say if its one of the best fat burners out there. This product is about $20.00 per bottle and is available at A great price for so many ingredients.

Keep reading to see some of the best fat burners that have been reviewed and approved by weight loss experts.
More about7-DFBX Review

72 Hour Diet Pill Review

Diposting oleh blogger slimming

72 Hour diet Pill is another diet pill aimed at losing weight fast. I am usually pretty skeptical about these types of diet pills but I find this supplement to contain an impressive formula. Here is what the makers claim “72 hour diet pill will help you lose weight fast, detoxify your body, and decrease water weight”.

The ingredients in 72 Hour Diet Pill contain very healthy ingredients for the body. The pill contains some powerful diuretics along with great antioxidants. I feel this is mainly a product that will produce quick results from water loss, but it also will be a great product to help detoxify the body and help increase bowel movements.

Main Points

Will help detoxify the body
Could produce fast weight loss
May help increase motility of the bowels
Ingredients are healthy for the body

would recommend this product for people looking to detoxify their body. I find it to contain healthy ingredients they will help the body in many ways. I was not able to find enough customer reviews to consider this as one of the best diet pills but as of now I would still recommend it.
More about72 Hour Diet Pill Review

8-FX by MRI Review

Diposting oleh blogger slimming

MRI claims that 8-FX is the 8-point solution to optimal fat loss. These are the 8 points it’s suppose to target:

1.Increase metabolism

2. Promote fat oxidation

3. Support optimal thyroid activity

4. Increase focus and alertness

5. Increase energy

6. Enhance mood

7. Increase norepinephrine, the thermogenic “activator”

8. Stimulate cAMP- mediated fat breakdown

The MRI 8-FX website is very impressive. Something I was not impressed by however was their scientific research backing their claims. They talk a lot about ” triggering your body’s Redaptive Response” so “your body can now let go of the fat”. On the bottle they claim their product is “enhanced with RRT” Redaptive Response Technology. I was intrigued by this so I searched everywhere to learn more about RRT, but I couldn’t find one thing about it. I think it’s a term they made up.


- easily available online and in stores

- impressive website

- contains a patented form of Chromium called “Chromulin”


- very expensive with no money back guarantee

- minimal weight loss

- contains the inactive ingredient ” rice flour” a problem for people with wheat allergies

- high caffeine content that could lead to dependence or jitteriness

Price: $59.99 on MRI’s website and at GNC. I did find it other places online for $45.78.


8-FX does contain a few good ingredients, but nothing that could provide the 8 results they claim. In my opinion 8-FX is trying to offer too much and as a result doesn’t effectively accomplish anything but minimal weight loss. Keep reading to learn more about the most effective and affordable diet pills on the market.
More about8-FX by MRI Review